






Introduction of school of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Found in September 2016, school of traditional Chinese medicine(STCM) is based on the department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jinan University. There is a professoriate staff of 68 persons Currently, there are 9 doctor tutors and 44 postgraduate tutors in our school. For the purposes of nurturing high-quality Chinese medicine professionals and promoting the modernization of Chinese medicine, school are cultivating 378 full-time undergraduates,204 postgraduates (both scientific degree and professional degree) and 19 doctoral students.  

STCM has access to their teaching resources, which include 11 teaching and research section: Department of Internal Classic, Department of internal medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), Department of TCM prescription, Department of Acupuncture&Moxibustion, Department of diagnostics of TCM, Department of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM, Department of basic theory of TCM, Department of Gynecology of TCM, Department of clinical basis of TCM, Department of facial features of TCM, Department of Pediatrics of TCM.

  We also own Research Institute of Integrated Chinese and Western medicine, undergraduate teaching experimental training center, TCM acupuncture training center, Formula-pattern Research Center, scientific research center.We offer a full-time doctor of integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine degree program, a master of TCM and Integrated Medicine degree program as well as a post-doctor of Integrated Medicine research program. There are 2 key disciplines granted by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 1 Undergraduate experimental training center. Our teaching staff with extensive teaching experience in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine are dedicated to equip our students with solid knowledge and clinical skills. There are 1 national online open excellent course, 1 National virtual simulation experiment project, 2 teaching teams of provincial colleges and universities, 1 provincial excellent course team and 1 provincial virtual simulation experiment project, and 7 online open courses have been completed.

  Our school has an excellent teaching team.Namely, our school principal, professor Chen Jiaxu is the Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholar and obtainer of National Outstanding Youth Funds. Professor Shen Yingsen is one of the national Chinese medicine experts academic experience inherit old work guiding teacher. Professeor He Rongrong is Distinguished professor of Zhujiang scholars. Professeor Chen gang is Distinguished professor of Jiangsu Province.There are also 2 Guangdong famous experts in TCM, 3 awarders of “Thousand-Hundred-Ten Talents Project” in Guangdong Province, 1 awarder of “Ten top outstanding teachers” in Jinan University. In addition to nurturing future Chinese Medicine professionals, our school is also committed to developing a provincial teaching team, a provincial course Team, a provincial specific major and “excellent Chinese doctor training program” in educational department. We develop a Massive Open Online Course for public promotion of TCM. And our TCM bachelor major has been committed by the National Education Ministry in 2015. So far, STCM has fostered more than 3000 professional TCM talents. Of those, there are more than 2000 who are from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and oversea Chinese regions.

Adhering to the spirit of international learning, our school, on one hand, pays much attention in the establishment of teaching, research, clinics and training programs, on the other hand strengthens the academic exchange and cooperation with many associations from foreign countries and regions, such as Germany, America, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Not only do we assign part of teachers to go aboard for further education or scientific cooperation, but also introduce numbers of famous foreign experts and scholars for visiting and lecturing. Moreover, over 1500 talents were attracted to accept the Acupuncture&Moxibustion training

Under the guideline of construction of national double first-class university and provincial high-level university programs, our school has seized the great challenge to develop ourselves. With the aim of facilitating the development of research in Chinese medicine and promoting modernization and scientific characteristic of Chinese medicine, we have formulated a 14th five-year plan and consolidated the strategy of talents rejuvenation. In addition, we insist on the strategy of talents’ training and reinforce the discipline construction. Together, all these expansions contribute to build a stronger TCM foundation of education, training and research.


